Get data on the Anglican geography on Church of England Churches, including their parish, benefice, arcdeaconry and diocese.
Reads church data from the Church of England's Data Services ESRI feature server, dropping spatial data and returning a tibble::tibble()
This function renames fields in the returned tibble, but any query passed to where
must use the original names of the ESRI data provided by CoE data services. The names of these fields
can be accessed via coe_esri_fields()
coe_churches(where = "ChurchCode = 608186") |>
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 11
#> $ church_code <int> 608186
#> $ parish_name <chr> "Leytonstone: St Margaret w St Columba"
#> $ parish_code <int> 580186
#> $ benefice_name <chr> "Leytonstone St Marg w St Columba"
#> $ benefice_id <chr> "08/265 M"
#> $ deanery_name <chr> "WALTHAM FOREST"
#> $ deanery_id <int> 58108
#> $ archdeaconry_name <chr> "WEST HAM"
#> $ archdeaconry_id <int> 581
#> $ diocese_name <chr> "Chelmsford"
#> $ diocese_number <int> 8