Get deprivation data with coe_parish_deprivation()
The English Indices
of Multiple Deprivation are a way of raking every small area (LLSOA)
in England from most to least deprived. The Church of England’s Data
Services team use these data to produce deprivation statistics for every
parish in the Church of England, giving every parish a score and a rank
from most to least deprived. With coedata, you can view these data using
the coe_parish_deprivation()
function. By default, this
function returns, for each parish:
- Overall deprivation score
- Overall deprivation rank
- Parish deprivation decile
- Parish deprivation percentile
However, the function paramaters can be adjusted so that scores and ranks for IMD domains and subdomains are included, as well as additional supplementary data.
Note that for ranks, deciles and percentiles, lower values correspond to higher deprivation.
#> ✔ Reading from coe_parish_imd_2019.
#> ✔ Range ''imd''.
#> Church of England Deprivation Data
#> # A tibble: 1 × 6
#> parish_code parish_name imd_score imd_rank imd_rank_decile imd_rank_percentile
#> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 350259 The Vine, … 30.0 1310 2 11
#> Parish-level data compiled by the Church of England
coe_parish_deprivation("350259", domains = TRUE)
#> Church of England Deprivation Data
#> # A tibble: 1 × 26
#> parish_code parish_name imd_score imd_rank imd_rank_decile imd_rank_percentile
#> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 350259 The Vine, … 30.0 1310 2 11
#> # ℹ 20 more variables: barriers_to_housing_and_services_score <dbl>,
#> # barriers_to_housing_rank <dbl>, crime_score <dbl>, crime_rank <dbl>,
#> # education_skills_and_training_score <dbl>,
#> # education_skills_and_training_rank <dbl>,
#> # children_and_young_people_rank <dbl>, adult_skills_rank <dbl>,
#> # employment_score_rate <dbl>, employment_rank <dbl>,
#> # geographical_barriers_rank <dbl>, …
#> Parish-level data compiled by the Church of England